The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases

Researcher Mobility Grants

Grants awarded since 2022

  Awarded (£)
Applicant Location Topic Individual Total p.a.
Dr Virginia Marugan-Hernandez
Mr Diego Guerra Arias
Royal Veterinary College
University of Granada, Spain
Learning and application of an in vitro model for the evaluation of small molecules that inhibit the ferrochelatase of Eimeria tenella with potential anticoccidial effects
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7,140 7,140
Dr. Andrew Mason The University of York Identification of endogenous Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV) hematopoietic tropism by single cell sequencing
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9,900 9,900
Total £17,040

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