The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases
The Houghton Trust - Promoting research into poultry diseases

Small Project Research Grants

Grants awarded since 2012

  Awarded (£)
Applicant Location Topic Individual Total p.a.
Dr Melanie Hay Royal Veterinary College Dysbiosis in chicken caecal and faecal microbiomes 14,885 45,687
Dr Jacqueline Smith University of Edinburgh Functional validation of lncRNA ENSGALG00000053987 and/or PCDH15 gene in avian flu resistance in chickens 10,140
Dr Samer Halabi University of Edinburgh Innate versus adaptive immunity in embryonic and neonatal chickens: examining expression of BF1 and BF2 MHC I molecules 3,000
Dr Tom Peacock Pirbright Institute Creating a molecular toolbox to study the activating proteases for avian viruses 7,500
Dr Jose Jaramillo Ortiz Royal Veterinary College Yeast-based vaccine platform as a tool to target avian M-cells: an approach for tackling infectious intestinal diseases Yeast-based vaccine platform as a tool to target avian M-cells: an approach for tackling infectious intestinal diseases in chickens 10,162
Virginia Marugan-Hernandez Royal Veterinary College Ferrochelatese inhibitors as a potential control strategy against coccidiosis in chickens
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15,000 30,000
Prerna Vohra University of Edinburgh Vaccination & challenge experiment in chickens using live-attenuated knock-out strains of S. Typhimurium
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E. Emmott University of Liverpool Understanding proteolytic cleavage of host proteins during avian coronavirus infection
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9,900 41,900
R. Baptista Royal Veterinary College Novel vaccine candidate discovery through host-pathogen interaction network
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Sarah Hill Royal Veterinary College Reducing avian influenza virus introduction risk to the UK through preventing emergence and transmission at the source
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Sarah Keep The Pirbright Institute Assessing the role of structural and accessory genes and viral replication in vaccine-induced immunity to IBVto IBV
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Kelsandia Aguiar-Martins Royal Veterinary College Cultivation of eimeria in MDBK cells in different forms
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10,000 33,981
P. Chang   Generation of attenuated duck enteritis virus as a vector for chicken viral disease control using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
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Androniki Psifidi Royal Veterinary College  Dissecting campylobacter/eimeria co-infections in understanding pathogen dynamics
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V. Reddy Pirbright Institute Optimising in ovo HVT-vectored vaccines: defining the role of the vNr-13 protein in late-stage embryonic tissues
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W. Smith Oxford University Characterisation of parasite prevalence and diversity in four different populations of Columbia livia
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A. Asfor Pirbright Institute IBD vector for conserved B- and T-cell epitopes for IBV 5,000 32,666
A. Broadbent Pirbright Institute Do circadian oscillations in chBms1 expression influence virus replication?
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Laura Glendinning Roslin Institute Influence of natural biota on respiratory biota and live respiratory vaccines
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Francesca. Soutter Royal Veterinary College MHC locus diversity in commercial vs inbred chickens to E.tenella infection
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A.Tsaousis University of Kent To establish a highly reproducible culture system for E. tenella
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C.Ball University of Liverpool Viable vs non- viable IBV and aMPV: using propium monoazide 3,000 41,072
Victoria Smyth Agri-Food & Biosciences NI Use of GFP for CAstv tracing in chick tissues 9,960
Janet Daly University of Nottingham IAV in chicks vs ducks using the PP13K pathway 6,000
J.Mehat University of Surrey Avian colibacillosis: beneficial properties of probiotics in control 8,092
J.Pastor-Fernandez Royal Veterinary College Use if transgenic E. tenella as a vector for E. maxima 9,020
Sarah Keep Pirbright Ability of IBV to express heterologous genes, especially VP2 5,000
X. Dong Royal Veterinary College Impact of Eimeria infection on host microbiota and host responses 9,600 34,456
L.Grau Roma University of Nottingham Transmissible viral proventriculitis: assessment and collaboration 9,160
A.Hernandez University of Liverpool Study of malaria in zoo penguins
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Margherita Maniero University of Bristol Effects of essential oils on mites 2,800
Jaqueline Smith Roslin Institute Characterisation of ALV-like tumours in commercial chicken lines 8,896
Virginia M-Hernandez Royal Veterinary College Developing an E. tenella assay in MDBK cells 7,000 25,000
Y.Sadigh Pirbright Institute Generating a toolbox to understand innate resistance of viral infections 7,000
Holly Shelton Pirbright Institute Sequence diversity of H9N2 diversity shed from buccal and cloacal cavities 5,000
J.Williams Royal Veterinary College The role of micro-RNAs in E. tenella induced dysbiosis 6,000
A.Broadbent Pirbright Institute IBDV in ex-vivo B cells from resistant and susceptible chickens 8,000 26,000
C.Chintoan-Uta Roslin Institute Immunity to histomonas; responses in chickens 5,000
M. Christodoulides University of Southampton Reverse vaccinology of Brachyspira genomes/ spirochaete vaccines? 5,000
P.Wigley University of Liverpool Faecal transplantation: effect on gut health 8,000
Erica Bickerton Pirbright Institute Importance of IBV E protein in virus pathogenicity 5,000 29,497
E. Giotis Imperial College Responses of chick embryo stem cells to viruses 9,937
M. Karavalos Roslin Institute Basis of resistance to salmonella by proteomics 9,560
Helen Maier Pirbright Institute Role of spherules during IBV multiplication 5,000
D. Blake Royal Veterinary College Genome sequencing archived E. tenella /genetic basis of drug resistance 9,340 21,840
A. Roberts Pirbright Institute Screen of phage adhirons for attachment to MDV proteins 7,500
Victoria Smyth Agri-Food & Biosciences NI Broiler reovirus sequencing: is one isolate the direct cause of stunting? 5,000
G. Maglennon Royal Veterinary College Not recorded 2,000 10,000
Lonneke Vervelde Roslin Institute Not recorded 4,000
P. Wigley University of Liverpool Not recorded 4,000
Total £372,099

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